Whether you work full-time, part-time, or from home, we have a variety of volunteer opportunities to fit every schedule. While some opportunities involve volunteering either during or after school hours, others involve working behind the scenes or donating items needed for a program or event. We use online volunteer signup websites such as Signup Genius to better coordinate our volunteer efforts on major events. These tools are free to use and are set up as a calendar allowing you to see the volunteer opportunities available including dates, roles/responsibilities, times available, items needed, and who else is signed up. It's fast and easy!
If you're a PTA member, you likely indicated on your membership form if you are interested in volunteering or not. Based on what you indicated, you will be contacted by committee chairs when volunteers are needed. In addition, upcoming volunteer opportunities are listed in Mrs. Shannon's weekly eNewsletter, as well as handouts that may come home with your child.
Click below to sign up for our current volunteer opportunities.
Library volunteers are needed!
With less staff support, there is an ongoing need for assistance in shelving and maintaining the library. Times are flexible. Please contact Debra Gantz at DebraGantz@wlcsd.org.